In this short CPD course we explore how to

  • Recognise

    the signs and symptoms of trauma and dissociation in the room

  • Hold space

    for trauma in the room including pacing, grounding and endings

  • Creatively explore

    trauma and dissociation with a range of interventions including russian dolls and art

As a counsellor you will be working

with trauma on a daily basis

What you may not know yet is just how often you are working with dissociation in the room. Dissociation comes in many forms and most of us will have experienced it in gentler ways such as arriving somewhere while driving but wondering how we got there. Automatic pilot we say! 

In this short CPD we cover the main categories of dissociation and we look at trauma and how it impacts clients in the room.

We explore some creative interventions which can be easily adapted into our work and we discuss vicarious trauma and its impact on us as counsellors. 

What's included?

    1. Introduction to Trauma

    1. Exploring Dissociation

    1. Holding Space for Trauma in Counselling Work

    1. Creative Interventions in Trauma Work

    1. Using Stones to Explore Trauma & Vicarious Trauma

    1. The Role of Psychoeducation in Trauma Work

About this course

  • £29.99
  • 7 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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