In this online skills-share we explore

  • Different types of clay

    The different types of clay and an assortment of techniques

  • Clay interventions

    An emotive exercise used in endings with clients as well as other clay interventions

  • Theory around Clay Therapy

    Exploring the archetypes and theory around using Clay Therapy

Clay is a powerful and emotive therapeutic tool

In this therapeutic skills share, Gaynor takes us through an emotive training around using clay in the therapy room. Gaynor has completed a Diploma in Clay Therapy which is accredited by PTUK and she is passionate about exploring client work using this medium. 

This training is a mix of PDF downloads, videos and text. You will receive a CPD certificate to cover two hours of training.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Clay Therapy

    2. Clay Therapy: Part 1 (19 Mins)

    3. ...and the journey continues

    4. Clay Therapy: Part 2 (24 Mins)

    5. ..a quick break

    6. Clay Therapy: Part 3 (60 Mins)

About this course

  • £15.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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